Culture Of Metropolis In Macau : An International Symposium On Cultural Heritage – Strategies For The Twenty-First Century

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The Proceedings of the International Svmposium on -The Culture of Metropobs in Macau are presented in their English version in this publication. The week-long International Symposium beld In Macau m September 1998 addressed the issues of “Urbanism. Identity Collective Heritage and Quotidian Culture — Strategies for the Twentv-first Century” and drafted recommendations for protecting Macau’s cultural wealth.

The Symposium brought together a distinguished group of public and private sector professionals, ranging from architects to Sinologists, historians to sociologists. Their considered insights into Macau’s heritage opened up new perspectives of the city’s present role and future capacity.

Included in this book are the recommendations made bv the Svmposium with a view to defining “a critical cultural vision”. The fundamentals of these actions and strategies represent a valuable contribution to the responsibility of the Government of the Special Administrative Region of Macau to protect Macau’s unique cultural and historic heritage.

The institutional support lent by the academic staff of the College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture of the University of Minnesota, an outstanding academic institution in its field, brought to the Svmposium an elevated degree of academic input.

Finally, the learned contributions from the participants and the dedicated efforts of the committee members merit a special note of gratitude from the Cultural Institute.

Heidi Ho

Presidem Cultural lnstitute of the Macau S.A.R. Government
